Low iron

I been told my iron level keeps dropping and i am serverly anemic.  They sent me to a blood doctor.  They think maybe i'm bleeding slowly internally.  I have to have a colonoscopy and scope on the 27th of this month.

Does anyone no how to get my energy back?

I'm exhausted all the time.  Dozed off in church yesterday. 

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  • Hello Debbie,

    Nice to meet you. I have been a severe anemic for 32 years, and my lowest count was 4. Now it is 6.8, I too am tired all the time and it don't matter what time I wake up, I can go back to sleep a couple of hours later!! I take four iron pills a day!! Nothing is working to bring it up yet, so let me know if you find the right help, PLEASE!!

    • AL Depace
    • AL_Depace
    • 5 yrs ago
    • Reported - view


  • A tiny little book by Dr. Schuessler, Biochemic System of Medicine - lists answers.  I am not a doctor, but his info has worked for me. it simple little tissur cell salts ! ! ! 

  • Why does old people get low iron ?


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