How do you keep an elderly person secure at night?

I have seen a couple of topics around this.  How do you prevent an older person(85 years) from exiting a home in the middle of the night. I do not prefer an inside deadbolt with key as I feel that is not safe in case of an emergency... Any other suggestions.

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  • Using an inexpensive alarm that goes off when the person crosses the alarm path. Can be found in places like Radio Shack and other electronic stores.

  • Doris, great suggestion thank you.  We also carry quite a few which you can find under our Patient Location Alarms category.   -- Betty

  • My mom had to start taking a medication that suddenly left her with a loss of muscle strength. She wasn’t aware that she couldn’t just get up as she used to. I was terrified  that  she would try to get up in the night and fall. I got a pressure bed pad that would send an alert to a monitor beside my bed if she even sat up. I could get to her and help before she could fall. After that I was finally able to get a good night’s sleep. 


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