Severe Sleep Issues

My FIL hasn't slept in 2-1/2 days and that is with his sleep meds.  I have tried melatonin, trazadone and have even given him his xanax which is only as needed basis.  He is so out of it right now.  Talking to in-animate objects.  Conversing with the TV. Tearing things up and etc.  He isn't violent, but we live in a two story home and I am afraid he will fall down the stairs or wander off because he is so out of it.  We literally asked him to lay down and take a nap and he refused for some time and then finally did and layed there and talked to himself the whole time.  Half the time what he is saying doesn't make a lick of sense.  Getting him in with his neurologist will take a wait - specialist around here have a waiting list.  I don't know who to call for help or what to do.  Anyone out there have experience with this???

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  • My dad was having real issues with sleeping as well.  The doctor started him on a low dose of an anti-hallucination drug, which is supposed to also make a person drowsy, but it wasn't helping.  We increased the dosage last week - he may be sleeping better, but his hallucinations aren't getting better.

    He is in an adult care home where he has someone there all the time.  He was falling almost every day, seeing people etc.  You should check into too - for your own sanity.  


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