Frankly. The last thing I want to read and focus on is ~~ Demamtia/Altzheimers~~
It’s bad enough my husb is and always has been self centered and comes from a self centered family who NOW gather around him like he’s the king of Sheeba. While I’m left to love with him and know what he’s teally like. I’ve read and know enough NOW about this mind stealer that things are only going to get worse for me while he just walks around in la la land being cared for and dementia ppl don’t even know what they do is wrong. the main things I’m working as far as living with him are these. #1. DO NOT ARGUE #2. DO NOT CORRECT #2. DO NOT TRY TO REASON WITH.
As I read your comment (several times) I am trying to wrap my mind around what you have stated. A side the fact that your husband (may or not be) self-centered you chose to marry him. Now, that he has developed Alzheimer's /Dementia, you sound resentful and inconvenienced. You have seemed to have taken his disease and turned it around and made it all about YOU! The title of your comment alone clearly shows your lack of compassion. FURTHERMORE ; your comment on him walking around in "La La Land" is disrespectful to anyone living with this horrible disease! If you are not wanting to give your husband the care that he needs and deserves, it sounds like he would be better cared for in a assisted living facility!
I understand, but your going to get some flack because of the way you worded it. Our lives were all about him and his wants also. Moved 20 times, hard on me and kids. Now I too am going thru anger at him/me for not understanding enough. Unless someone has waked in your shoes, they do not know how hard it is. You know the right things to do, but you get so angry about all the lost years, waiting for it to change, so easy to judge you, I'm not I feel your pain and share it. Take care of him because he doesn't remember how cold and uncaring he was. His mind is sick, now we step up and try, over and over every day to just survive. Read self help books, and take care of yourself and let all the family fawn over him, less for you to do. Work on the anger that's a tough one for me..I so agree, DO NOT ARGUE, DO NOT CORRECT AND DO NOT TRY TO REASON WITH, hang in there girl, I'm with you.
I understand where you're coming from, my father has not been a nice man to any of his children or his wife-my mother (who has passed away), he comes here, looks at her picture and says ....there's that crazy woman.
It is hard to care and be companionate for someone who has not been nice to you. Hopefully you believe in God, I pray as I do for myself (as I am caring for my father who is also self centered, stubborn and arrogant) that the Lord, fills you with plenty of strength and compassion to carry on as it gets harder as time passes.