Dad paranoid and can’t leave house.

My dad won’t leave the house.  He has never liked doctors and to get him to see a doctor to be diagnosed has been impossible. I believe he’s up to stage 6 out of 7 with this disease.  He lives with mom. Mom does not drive-he does.  Tried seeing if anyone would come to the house but no one will. When we have gotten him into the car, he shakes and cries wanting to get out.  I need him diagnosed- his regular doctor has said she will NOT prescribe anymore meds for him. He gets angry with my mom. He goes in BiG waves of good to really bad. Anyone have suggestions on how to get him the help he needs?

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  • Have you tried to get power of Attourney? Contact senior social services. 

    • Debbie Anon 

  • What can a social worker do? My parents are very proud people and usually don't like handouts.  I’m just not familiar on what they can offer? I did contact their insurance and got a list of names companies to go that route.  Thank you in advance.

    • Senior SERV might be able to guide you with regards to having him diagnosed. What about a virtual diagnosis. You should  also tell the Doctor he still drives. Is he a veteran? If he starts to get abusive you can report him and then Soc SERVs can get involved. 


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