EldonCard Home Kit
Find out if you are A, B, O, AB & RH- Results in Minutes - Air Sealed Envelope, Safety Lancet, Micropipette, Cleansing Swab
- EldonCards are used professionally all over the world.
- Two spring-loaded sterile auto-lancets, blood typing test card, 1 sterile cleaning swab, EldonCard sample collection and transfer devices, laminating sheet, color result chart and instructions.
- This test is simple, reliable and 99% accurate. It detects the common blood grouping system A,B,O,AB and Rhesus(D).
- Portable, compact and easy to use in even the most primitive surroundings making the blood type testing flexible in any given situation.
- Results after just 3 minutes and blood grouping on location.
- Stores up to 24 months. No need for refrigeration and daily controls.