Welcome to Betty's Homeless Shelter Discussion Forum

As an extension of Betty Mills Free Food For Shelters program this forum provide a destination for our enrolled shelters / food banks to exchange ideas and collaborate. 

Helpful topics might include fundraising, recruiting volunteers, budgeting, training, sourcing, back office questions, what's working and what's not, how to redeem your donated rewards, etc.

Feel free to introduce yourself and tell us what you do ! 

Best Wishes to All.


Chief Betty


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  • Good morning, Vic/Chief Betty! I'm Carol Mjoseth at Inner Voice, a, homeless services agency in Chicago. Thank you for this opportunity!

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  • Good morning all! Thank you Vic for creating this platform for us to work together.

    My name is Cyndi and I am the Director of Strategic Partnerships at Covenant House NY. We are the largest provider of shelter for homeless youth in NYC.

    I look forward to getting to know everyone here.


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    • Cyndi Snyder I think it would great for our organizations to connect and work together. We serve at risk youth and families living in shelters  through education and training, social and recreational programs and our leadership to improve their lives

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    • TrudyAnn Williams It's wonderful to e-meet you! Please feel free to email me at csnyder@covenanthouse.org to further discuss.

    • Barb
    • Barb.1
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Hello All,  This sounds like a wonderful resource.  I look forward to sharing ideas.  My name is Barb and I am the Director of Food Services for Rescue Ministries of Mid Michigan which includes 2 Homeless Shelters and  a Youth Shelter.   I am interested to hear what types of items Shelters have seen come in through this Betty Mills Donation program and any ideas of how you made donors aware of the program.  

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  • Good Morning, Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Director of Making A way Housing, Inc in Atlanta. 

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!

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    • Lisa Lee
    • Food Pantry Manager
    • Lisa_Lee
    • 4 yrs ago
    • Reported - view

    Good morning everyone. This is Lisa Lee, Food Pantry Manager at Rosie's Place in Boston, a sanctuary for poor & homeless women. We have a shelter program and a food pantry program among others. I've ordered some Chef Boyardee-style instant meals from Betty Mills for the food pantry with the shelter credit program.

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  • Good day everyone,

    I am TrudyAnn Williams, Founder and CEO of Destiny Helpers Outreach Inc., a 501(c)(3) based in Brooklyn, NY. We serve at risk youth and families living in shelters by providing personal care packages, facilitating training programs and hosting social programs such as pageants. Please feel free to check out our website at www.destinyhelpersoutreach.org We also have a Facebook live show on Fridays via our Facebook page @DestinyHelpersOutreach. If anyone is interested in being a guest please email us at info@destinyhelpersoutreach.org You can follow us on Instagram @destinyhelpersoutreach, on Twitter @HelpersOutreach. I look forward to connecting with you all

    Thanks Betty Mills for the opportunity to be apart of this forum

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  • Hi I'm Jenney Rice and I work with unsheltered adults in the Columbus Ohio area. We also run 2 volunteer ran food pantries. I was able to use my points to purchase  tuna and chicken kits and fruit cups. We have a handful of guests trying to return to work so along with our local food bank we have been able to supply them with hardy lunches to get them through the day. We've also used our items for unsheltered guests who are not settled in a campsite but roam throughout the city and have no way to cook meals. The program has really helped us. I am looking forward to learning from each of you!

  • Good morning!  I'm Tammy Holcombe, Program Director of New Beginnings Youth Shelter.  I'm looking forward to getting to know everyone!

    • Tammy Holcombe  Hi, I would love for us to connect as my organization, Destiny Helpers Outreach Inc. works with at risk youth 

    • TrudyAnn Williams  Hi, Trudy!  It's always nice to connect with others that work with the same population.  I will check out your Facebook page!

  • Hello, 

    Good morning my name is Ebelin Reyes, I'm  with The Salvation Army California South Division. I'm the Homeless Service Administrative Assistant for the Anaheim Emergency Shelter. 

    We provide supportive services through our homeless programs to veterans and recovering addicts. We offer basic health services along with 3 meals a day free of cost and bed space to rest.  We currently have 234 occupied beds we sheltered men, women and couples. We are a pet friendly shelter. 

    Every program we offer is rooted in our passion to serving the lost, the vulnerable, the needy, the poor, the hurting, the helpless, and the hopeless. We are an army dedicated to doing the most good. 

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  • Hello, I am Mary from the Charlotte County Homeless Coalition in Port Charlotte, Florida.  We operate a 52-bed emergency shelter, food pantry, and a kitchen that serves all shelter residents as well as others in the community needing to stretch their food dollars. 

    I am providing information about a Facebook Live program tonight, which has always been a very popular, live event, but now in the age of COVID, all of our fundraising events are virtual! 

    Please tune in if you can.  We would love to have your thoughts and other fundraising ideas in this new normal!

    Who will be the next Charlotte Idol?

    Do not forget to join us this Friday night for The Homeless Coalition’s Charlotte Idol singing competition. Audition Night will be virtually streamed July 24th at 6:00 p.m. on


    . Spectators can watch local singers compete to get to the second round where they have a chance to win cash prizes up to $500 and a local “Staycation”. You can give back by dining and watching auditions at Beef O’ Brady's located at 1105 Taylor Street in Punta Gorda.

    A special thanks to our Grammy Music Award Sponsor, WrightWay Emergency Services and Billboard Music Sponsor, Sam’s Club of Port Charlotte for their support.

    All net proceeds from this event will benefit the Homeless Coalition’s programs and services. The mission of the Homeless Coalition is to alleviate and prevent hunger and homelessness.

    For more details or for information on sponsorship opportunities, call Darcy Woods at (941) 627-4313, Ext. 134.

    • Mary Allman-Koernig Wow, this sounds like a wonderful, creative fundraising event. I hope it went well! If you have the time, I would love to reach out to you and setup a call to brainstorm fundraising in this virtual era. My email address is csnyder@covenanthouse.org - or feel free to pass your email along and I can reach out to you.



  • Good Afternoon Everyone.  I am Vineta Byrd, Housing Director, with SAFE-T Crisis Center in Mt. Pleasant, Texas.  Thank you for inviting me to this forum.

  • Hello everyone!  I am Jami Scott, Director of Homeless Services at The Salvation Army - Wichita, KS.  We operate an Emergency Lodge &  a Transitional Housing/Rapid Rehousing program for single women and families.

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  • Greetings from Huntsville, TX at the Good Shepherd Mission where every day is Christmas, yet also a hurricane. www.thegsmission.org Dave Smith, Exec. Dir. (26 years)

    Facebook, Huntsville Good Shepherd Mission

    Since 1983, Sheltering (men, women, families w/specifications), Feeding via Food Bank and Meal site, Clothing and Furniture Bank, Counseling in the tenth poorest county in Texas one hour north of Houston, TX.  Changing lives for Good.

  • Good Morning Friends!! My name is Heidi and I am the Outreach/Volunteer Coordinator for a family homeless shelter in Tigard Oregon. Our shelter has been serving families in need for well over two decades. Thank you for this terrific platform to interacts with each other and share ideas and stories. It takes a village!! Bless all of you and the work you do to help others!

  • Any one doing night shelter ministry/human service programs putting up curtains around bunks in dorms, or major changes?  We are zig-zagging up and down on bunks and alternating which direction the head of bed is per lodger.  Our HVAC introduces fresh air constantly.  We are down to less than 50% capacity.  People are not roaming and we are demanding proof of testing and being healthy.  Any perspectives or insights welcomed.

  • Hi. I am the CFO at Feeding GA Families. I look forward to learning about what you all do.

    • Todd Carter
    • Chief Development Director
    • tarheeltodd
    • 3 yrs ago
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    Hi everyone, I am the Chief Development Director for a regional homeless services agency working in seven rural mountain counties in North Carolina with eight housing programs, one shelter program,three  hunger relief programs, two crisis assistance programs, a street outreach program and a homeless healthcare program. 


    Hospitality House of Northwest N.C. has been around since 1984.  Although our staff has been fully vaccinated, we are still adhering to strict COVID-19 protocols, but I finally do have time to to join this platform and Betty Mills initiative. 

  • Hello Enrolled Betty Mills Shelters.  I hope you are all safe and doing well.

    This week we crossed the 2,000th donation made by our customers to our enrolled shelters, a new milestone for the program.  

    If you have any questions regarding your enrollment or participation, please let us know!

    Best Regards,




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