What's the best adult diaper for incontinence?

Looking for an easy to use and effective adult diaper for incontinence. thanks

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  • Hi Carol, thanks for writing.  Hopefully others will chime in, but from our experience, often the results differ per individual.  You may need to try a few  different types in order to achieve just the right fit , comfort and absorbency needed.  -Betty

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  • PreVail

  • I have been using PreVail and they are very good and inexpensive

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  • It really depends on the amount of urine you need to control and how often they can be changed.  We use Wings Quilted Overnight even through the day, they seem to absorb the most.  And we also use a liner pad to help with absorption.

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  • I personally love Abena diapers. They are comfortable and can hold a lot without leaking. They are a little more expensive though. I also like Attends and Tranquility products. Sometimes with cheaper diapers you may want to wear plastic pants or a diaper cover to prevent leaks too.

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  • I have to agree with Janice E. As a Health Care provider of over 20 years, I have used several brands and styles on my residents. Knowing an estimated volume of urine passed along with frequency is a more appropriate was to determine which undergarment works for you.

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  • I would definitely recommend Abena and Seni Quatro diapers based on price and quality performance.

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      • Frederick F
      • Frederick_Fennessy
      • 5 yrs ago
      • Reported - view

      Fred Pasler And I would have to agree on the Seni Quatro as being a Good product for the price. But I would Highly recommend Better Dry diapers for Night use they cost Approx. $1.60 per diaper when purchased in bulk and last 10+ hours.  These are my Nightly diaper and lately the Seni Quatro diapers I use them during the Day. 

    • Frederick F 

      I wear the senis at night for bowel and bladder loss.  They are easy to put on standing.  THey are silent to change and the tapes are silent to check one's brief.   Diapers have pressure points as ones moves in bed.  These are very soft.

  • I use Tranquility premium overnight. They absorb and prevent leaks

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  • My husband has been using McKesson and is quite satisfied with them.  He needs 2X.

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  • Hi Carol. My mom uses the state supplied briefs, but I buy her the generic brands from CVS when I am there. The main thing to consider is the size and comfort. Do they need plastic lining outside to be able to slide their bottom when necessary? My mom prefers the cloth-like outside. The elastic on the sides allows for a more adjustable fit especially if they like to wear a larger size then needed like my mom.  My mom doesn't have enough strength to change herself, but she can lay out a brief and then sit on it and is sometimes  is able to get the sides up & pull velcro tabs to secure. If she can't, it does leak so she puts a waterproof pad  underneath until her health aide arrives. She also uses the Double Up liners (sold here) to give her extra absorbency in between her changings. She said they are adhesive, don't bunch up, and are thin, but work.  So it depends on the persons physical state and abilities. I think most are capable of absorbing without leaking

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  • Hi Everyone:  I am a caretaker for my elderly parent.  We moved up from the Always panty liner style pads to a full diaper recently (within the past five months).She requires two diapers at a time for overnight.  During the day I use a depends product.  I really like them although they are quite expensive and you can almost never find enough at one time to buy as the multi packages are usually gone off of the shelves the minute they arrive. I spend about $70 on her diapers per month including wipes. A bit expensive.  Does anyone use the diapers with the tapes and are they successful in keeping the bedding and pajamas dry or do they leak?

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    • Nancy Boynton ..............Nancy, after trying  just about every diaper, I called my cousin in Chicago, and she recommended Walgreens store brand, Certainty.  It is softer on the edges and all together more comfortable and does a good job on incontinence.  When I have a bout of incontinence, to keep from making a mess:  I take a pair of scissors and cut across at the front of the waist to form a tab to make disposal easy.  Important advice...............when cutting, you need to start from the waist and slowly move down to the pad, then go horizontal until you get the other side back up to the waste.  This allows you to dump the diaper contents without making a mess.

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    • Suzanne Austin Cook Nancy Boynton for those who have been bowel IC and urine IC, we have used taped briefs always.  I wear them snug so that they don't sag when full.

  • Carol, We use depends overnight for nights and I think Walmart has a good store diaper which I pair with depends overnight for day wear. Also, a Depends and a pad but not for any length of time due to comfort issues.

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  • Walgreen's Certified.

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  • I require overnight protection and I'm a heavy or multiple voider. I do not like diapers and prefer pull ups. I have not been able to find a store bought pull up that is up to the task. I have really good matress pads that protect my matress, but I hate waking up in a wet bed. Any suggestions?

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  • I now use PBE Tranquilty premium overnight pull-up. They are the best

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  • I usually just use plastic pants over regular underwear. 

    • Jonathan Lee ............That sounds like a good idea

      as the ruffle-type edges are most uncomfortable.

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    • Suzanne Austin Cook it was a last ditch idea as any brand or type of diaper I've tried got really uncomfortable. Using just regular underwear under plastic pants still leak somewhat but it's a lot more comfortable. I've went as far as using just plastic pants and nothing underneath to see if it was comfortable and hold in wetness. It got really sweaty unfortunately but wasn't too uncomfortable. I'm still experimenting with different ideas to see what works best. So far it's regular underwear under plastic pants that works best for me. 

    • Jonathan Lee how well do plastic pants work ?

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    • Ashley StAngelo 

      Hi Ashley, for the most part it depends on learning how much you think you'll wet. In my case I know sometimes I just lose a little, in those instances I can use just plastic pants. If I know it'll be more than that, I'll use regular underwear under my plastic pants. If I know I won't wake up at night, I'll wear 2 regular underwear under my plastic pants and it holds up just fine for me. If I'm out and about,I can get away with just plastic pants without much issue. Hope this helps. The best way to really know is to learn from past experiences and experiment what works best for you. If you have a routine like you know you wet less during the day and easy access to a bathroom, you can get away with just plastic pants or one regular underwear under them. Hope this helps

    • Jonathan Lee  thank you for your advice on plastic pants unfortunately i do not know anything about them and how they work and i usually empty very heavy ! Leaks all the time ! 😤 I have tried many different brands and it doesn't seem to make a difference ! 😢


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