My Mom Has Dysphagia
My mom has had difficulty swallowing since May 2017 it accrued due to a mild stroke she had and because of that, she is a bolus feed which she will remain until her swallowing ability returns to normal. She is also a candidate for Aspiration Pneumonia, that's when something ate or drank could enter into the lungs before entering into the stomach and cause the person to develop Pneumonia in the lungs. I do feel in one more year she will return to eating regular meals.
My mother suffered a massive MCA stroke, damaging a very large area of her brain on the right side in April 2018. It has left her paralyzed with numbness and tingling on her entire left side along with severe dysphagia. She suffered another stroke in October 2018, most likely to the left side of her brain causing loss of speech. Interestingly her dysphagia improved slightly after her second stroke. With great concern for her safety in skilled nursing facilities, I decided to take a leave of absence and take her home. I have found it challenging to find certain beverages that are pre-thickened like hormel thick & easy for an affordable price that will actually arrive intact after shipping. I have used the powders in milk and juices etc. with no luck. My mother so far will only drink thickened coffee and the previously mentioned product. Any ideas?