CBD and Dementia

Has anyone ever tried giving CBD oil to a person with Dementia? 

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  • No response to this question, I would like to know this also. 

    • Ali Stoddard
    • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
    • Ali_Stoddard
    • 6 yrs ago
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    I have not, but my old business partner used CBD hemp for her mom and got her out of the nursing home and back into living at home. Helped her short term memory and ability to enjoy every day life more.

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    • Ali Stoddard 

      In the 3 months since you wrote this post, how has your former partner's mother been? Has she exhibited any side effects from the CBD oil? My mom is experiencing some memory trouble and I'm very interested in hearing about others who have tried this--good or bad.

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Mary McGeorge  no the CBD continues to be an asset to Alzheimer’s dementia and anxiety. This is because we already produce a molecule very similar to CBD in our body we will see in the next five years many many more studies that will show CBD is a vitamin  that is very necessary and that most of us are deficient in CBD.

      CBD, if grown and manufactured organically & without chemicals can be a huge benefit to many different dementia patients. There are literally no side effects if you have a clean product and start slow and are coached through it, it can be a godsend.

      be aware of Amazon products they are Not tested and Ken have heavy metals, pesticides and residual solvents which is something you do not want in your medicine or supplement. This is a  highly unregulated market place.

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  • Did the CDB oil help with appetite?  All of a sudden my father lost his appetite. 

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Haley Kostinas 

    • Ali Stoddard
    • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
    • Ali_Stoddard
    • 5 yrs ago
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    No, unfortunately that is the THC side of the plant. I don’t think cbd should decrease appetite tho

  • In Israel medical marijuana is provided for nursing home patients. It helps with appetite, anxiety, depression and CBD helps with aches and pain. Pain improvement is only seen with continued use and best CBD is from cannabis, hemp is commercial grade of plant, used for rope & things & CBD quality is less. Look at what it is extracted with: grain alcohol or something toxic. You can't OD on CBD, but of course THC can get too intense at higher doses and cause paranoia, etc.. Edibles are particularly good for pain as they affect the whole body. BEWARE MILLIGRAMS of THC!! Edibles are not always accurately marked, so start with no more than 5mg and wait 2hrs before deciding if you want to add more. It may kick in sooner depending on your metabolism, but don't assume that! I use 5mg edibles for Fibromyalgia pain & PTSD. I had a nephew who smoked for appetite and used high dose CBD for multiple myeloma cancer. He gained weight and extended his life about 6mo's because of it. Check out www.projectcbd.org for scientific and practical information.

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      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Angela Adamcik  if you were looking for a supplement that is well diagnosed and stays in the body consistently then I would suggest a tincture as those can be more affective and don’t depend upon digestion. Most edibles found in the dispensary have THC in it not recommended for dementia patients! A tincture is the safest and best way to get the CBD into the bloodstream safely,  consistently and with consistent affects. Edibles usually contain lots of sugar, corn sera up and chemicals I am not a fan of edibles as they take different times for people to digest however sometimes that is the only way to go for people who don’t want to put a tincture under their tongue. You can Message me for more info.

  • Here's a link to a study done at a Swiss university, article written by a Tufts University chemistry grad:   https://www.projectcbd.org/news/quick-hits/thc-cbd-dementia

  • Can CBD oil be used in an elderly man (90 yrs old) for short term memory loss? My dad hasn't been diagnosed with dementia - just "old age." However, he sometimes wakes up after dozing off and calls out for, or asks where his wife is... my mom passed away 5 years ago.

  • How do you know what dosage to give?

    • Ali Stoddard
    • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
    • Ali_Stoddard
    • 5 yrs ago
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    Yes, carefully grown ( no heavy metals, pesticides) and carefully extracted (no residual solvents, chemicals) CBD can be quite beneficial for our senior citizens. Good for dementia, Alzheimer’s, “old age”. No drug to drug interactions. Dosage is when gain benefit, so titrate up by doubling dose: 2 mg to 4 mg to 8 mg, etc.

    • Bruce
    • Bruce
    • 5 yrs ago
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    I had the same question

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Patti Barishefsky Bruce 

    • Ali Stoddard
    • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
    • Ali_Stoddard
    • 5 yrs ago
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     Start with 1 mg, CBD oil under the tongue. Hold for two minutes. If no negative or positive effect then you can virtually double the dose until you see an effect. Try up to 6 mg twice a day for the first three days. If no benefit then double the dose to 12 mg. After two weeks if you found your dose then you can always try to titrate down.

  • CBD oil has been a Godsend for me. I am the caregiver. I take a high dosage of it daily. To give you an example, yesterday I took my Mom who has Dementia back home after a 6 month stay with me.  I had to completely clean her home, groceries, notes up for where everything is, multiple trips to store for items needed  - it was a huge job, and day one, she is doing well. But for me, this was a LOT of work and I hurt my back, plus I forgot to take my CBD so I was not in the best of moods, which as everyone knows when they are dealing with someone with dementia does not help situations at all. Anyways, after getting back home, took my CBD and in about an hour, pain was gone, felt relaxed and good. I have tried giving this to my Mom with no ill effects, but I didn't see anything dramatic either.  You need to build it up in your system though, so it would have to be provided every day and then dosage increased. But it does seem to me that it would help alleviate anxiety and potential mood swings if that is a problem and overall aches and pains. It helps my appetite so it should help with dementia sufferers appetite as well.  But as someone else mentioned, you have to get quality CBD. I have found a great brand, expensive as hell but absolutely worth it to me, and this is after trying several different brands (from amazon - ugh) and wasting a bunch of money. I just want to say as a caregiver - CBD for me has been an absolute life saver!  Also want to add - WE caregivers need solutions for us just as badly as dementia sufferers need solutions. Medical community so far has done - let me emphasize this correctly - "ABSOLUTELY NOTHING". Oh except provide me with another full time job of taking my Mom to medical tests and exams - with no phone calls from their offices to tell me when the appointments are scheduled for and absolutely NO SUPPORT, NO EMPATHY, NOTHING - NADDA. Nope it's CBD for me, and anything else I can find that will assist outside of the voracious money eating sociopathic medical institutions.  Just telling you how I really feel! :) 

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  • Thank you.  this information was very helpful.  Can someone advise me

    as to what is the best  brand or source of CBD.  

  • I need to give my husband some CBD to help keep my sanity. I think I will put in his food.

  • Hi there new to this site.,  My father has this horrific disease.  We took his keys away from him and every day he asks for them and has started getting very angry not like him.  So I started him on THC/CBD it is by script here in Ohio.  I got him the pill form that goes in his pill case in the mornings.  I will let you know what we find with this.  I pray for all of you who are dealing with this.  I will try everything to help calm him down.  Parents have been married for 52 years and it breaks my heart to see him like this. 


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