CBD - Has anyone ever used it and does it work?

I was interested in CBD oil..Has anyone ever used it and has it helped?

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  • I tried the 100mg oil that didn't seem to help but my friend says the 300mg takes the edge off severe pain! He actually had cancer!  Hopefully that helps!

    Like 3
  • There are many discussions on the web in regards to the use of CBD oil.  Asked my doctor and he said it would help with nausea.  Other sites claim it helps cancer, but have not found any scientific answers.  

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      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Aimee Hamrick Hi Aimee,

      there is lots of science - try ProjectCBD.com (Guidance/Conditions) or Healer.com or you can email me at alistoddard@gmail.com and I will look up the symptom you need help with and get you some research. (I've been researching and working with mmj for 5 years).

      Like 4
      • Gene Ledo
      • Gene_Ledo
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Ali Stoddard Hi Ali, the link wasn't working. Try https://www.projectcbd.org/about

    • @Gene Ledo  I fixed the link, thank you : )

      Like 1
  • tried mult. dosages by vape, but switched to gummies and find relief with 10mg dose.

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  • It works for me.  It is as good as a shot of morphine for my corporal tunnel Syndrome.  I would say for me it has been wonderful.  It cost me about $60.00 a jar

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      • Jane R
      • Jane_R
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Charlie Brown where is best to purchase? mail order trusted site?

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      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Jane R 


       They make sure there are no pesticides, residual solvents or added chemicals to any of the growing or manufacturing process. They also will give great consult and information all around CBD and how it is best dosed, etc. 

      Like 1
      • Gene Ledo
      • Gene_Ledo
      • 5 yrs ago
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       Jane R  Hi Jane, We purchase and highly recommend www.GreenAlley.org  Ali is extremely knowledgeable and is more than willing to help you with your product selection & purchases.

  • I use a CBD gel for my hip pain and it does give me some relief.

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      • Jane R
      • Jane_R
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Sherry Moran what dose do you find helpful for hip pain?

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Jane R cbd dosing depends on the brand and form. Call green alley - they will help.


  • My husband uses it for pain as needed. He finds it very helpful.

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    • Laura Ginn What brand if you don't mind?

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Lou Buono Jr 

      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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  • Has anyone used this for severe muscle spasms?

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    • Pat Ascheman      hi pat, i too suffer from severe muscle spasms, mostly in the toes and legs ,and mostly at nite. sure hope someone has positive info on this cbd.

      Like 1
      • Ali Stoddard
      • CBD Health and Wellness Coach
      • Ali_Stoddard
      • 5 yrs ago
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      Pat Ascheman Hi Pat,

      Ive used CBD for my back and neck pain. Topicals or tincture work, but, like everything out there, there are good ones and bad ones. It depends on how they extract the CBD. I use a full spectrum CBD Cream.

      Like 2
    • catherine colon actually, have you tried magnesium?  That helps with muscle spasms.

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    • catherine colon 

    • Christina Broughton once i had very low magnecium in my body and that caused horrible muscular spasm, extremly painful. The worst  was in my tongue, it was stiff and sticking out between my lips, i did not dare to try to go to sleep, afraid of dying  caused  of not getting enough air. After a long serie of blood tests, they tested for magnesium. It was near zero!  Caused by severe diarrhe  caused by unknown allergy to milkprotein. Gave me an injection of Mg the worst spasm disappeared in a couple of minutes.  Adult humans should stay away from dairy food.

    • James
    • James
    • 5 yrs ago
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    CBD is the best anti inflammatory I've ever used outside of toradol. 

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  • My osteoarthritis is really on a rampage in both my hands and fingers right now. What doseage is being used for relief and are you using a specific supplier?


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